Saving money on your energy bills is never a bad thing. The only question is, do you feel like you’re saving enough? That’s a question you’re bound to confront the next time you replace your air conditioning system. And here’s how that proposition works: save money on a system with a lower SEER rating or, save money every month on a system with a higher SEER rating. SEER, by the way, stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It’s a ratio of the amount of cooling produced divided by the amount of electricity it takes to produce it. The higher the SEER, the greater the system’s energy efficiency. So sure, if you buy a 25 SEER system (just about as energy efficient as they come), you’re going to save tons of money. But you’ll also pay a good deal more for that system than you would, say, for a 16 SEER model, which also offers significantly greater energy efficiency than your current AC system.
To help you strike a balance between system cost and monthly energy expense, Bob Boldt HVAC will provide you with detailed new system options. That way, you can make a truly informed decision with a bare minimum of guesswork. To learn more or schedule a free in-home consultation, contact us today. Rest assured that we’ll help you choose the right system for your home, family, and budget.
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