How to Keep Warm Indoors

Lots of things can make you feel cold all over. A cold shower, teaming up with the local Polar Bears Club on New Year’s Day, going outside without a jacket, or driving a convertible with the top down when you should know better. Now that’s cold! Do you know what else can chill you to the bone? That feeling you get when you open the latest heating bill. You want to get mad, but initially, you’re in a state of semi-shock, chilled to the very bone. So, what’s a budget-conscious homeowner to do? Our advice: read and follow these tips before running to the thermostat, which only will make things worse.

Dress in Layers – Wearing layers of clothing helps you regulate body temperature indoors and out. Start with a t-shirt and pants, for example. If you’re still cold, put on a sweater or bathrobe, and a blanket over everything. When you start to warm up, defrock one layer at a time.

Wear Footwear and Hats – When your feet are warm, your whole body is warm. The same goes for your head – it’s an end-to-end way to prevent heat from escaping.

Cook up a Storm – In the summer the last thing you want is extra heat in the kitchen, even if you have central air. But not so much in the winter when extra heat hits the spot. So, make more meals at home and, if no small children are around, leave the oven door at least partially open once your meal is prepared.

Eat More Soup – Warm yourself up from the inside out with a bowl of hot soup any time of day. If you make soup from scratch, you’ll warm things up even more by simmering it on the stove.

Use Microwaveable Heating Pads – Microwave your heating pads for 30 seconds and then place them on your hands and feet while you take in your favorite program and ballgame. You can make your own by sewing dried beans inside a piece of 100-percent cotton fabric.

Spend More Time Upstairs – What does warm air do? It rises. So, let it follow you upstairs for a warmer feeling without putting a finger on the thermostat.

Keep Active – If you have a treadmill at home and are accustomed to a morning workout, try moving it to the evening hours to get yourself warmed up before relaxing for the evening.

Home Heating Inspection – One reason why your home might be chilly is the poor performance of your heating system. Sure, you could turn the thermostat up, but that’s only going to cost you more.

Our suggestion? Contact Bob Boldt HVAC for our furnace cleaning and inspection service. Your furnace will run more efficiently and reduce your home heating costs – and that’s enough to make you feel warm all over.

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